How many physicians are certified by ABPM?
ABPM has certified over 2,000 physicians as of July 2024.
How often is the examination administered?
Both examinations are administered once annually, in April.
When and where is the next exam?
Both the Certification and American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® examinations will be administered April 1-30, 2025 at authorized Kryterion Testing Centers and via online proctored home testing.
When is information available for the next exam?
The application portal is now closed. The portal will reopen in summer of 2025 for the spring, 2026 administration.
What are the requirements to sit for the exam?
The requirements are published in the 2025 Bulletin of Information, which is now available: www.abpm.org/ce
How much is the exam?
The Certification Exam cost is $2,040 if received by the early filing deadline and $2,340 if received by the final filing deadline.
The American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Exam cost is $1,580 if received by the early filing deadline and $1,780 by the final filing deadline.
The deadlines for both examinations for the 2024 administration are outlined below.
Early Filing Application Deadline: |
11:59 PM Central time on September 10, 2024 - CERTIFICATION AND MOC
The final filing fee will go into effect starting 12:00 AM Central time on September 11, 2024.
FINAL Filing Application Deadline: |
12:00 AM* on November 1, 2024 - CERTIFICATION AND MOC
(*need to apply by 11:59PM Central time October 31, 2024).
What is the pass rate for the exam?
The pass rates in 2023 were 77% for the Certification Examination and 86% for the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination.
When does the certification expire?
All Diplomates who certified in 1999 and after hold a time limited certificate that lasts for 10 years. Diplomates may recertify within 7 to 10 years after their last Examination.
It is the Diplomate's responsibility to keep ABPM informed of current and accurate contact information.
Diplomates whose board certification has either recently expired – or will expire before the next examination administration –may be eligible to apply for the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination to re-stablish their certification, provided they meet one of the following criteria:
- Diplomates who hold a valid certificate that will expire prior to the next American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination may apply for that examination only ("grace period"). For example, if certification expires 12/31/2023, a Diplomate may apply for the Spring 2024 MOC Examination only. A completed Application Package must be received by the published deadline and the Applicant must meet the current American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination eligibility requirements. During the period between the expiration of certification and the official results of the MOC Examination, the status of the Diplomate's certification will be "Expired, pending official results of American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination."
- Former Diplomates who failed to apply for or pass the recertification exam prior to their certificate expiration may still apply to take the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination, provided that their application is submitted by the deadline and accepted within two administrations after the expiration of their certification (i.e., a Diplomate whose certification expired on 12/31/2022 may still apply to take the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination in 2024), and:
- The former Diplomate submits a completed American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination application, along with a $150 administrative fee, in addition to the current applicable filing fee.
- In addition to the CME requirements published in the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination Bulletin, the former Diplomate has completed an additional 35 CME hours during the three years ending on the deadline for receipt of applications, with at least 25 of those hours being instruction in pain medicine.
During the period between the expiration of certification and learning the results of the examination, the status of the Diplomate's certification will be Expired.
Individuals whose certification has been expired for more than two administrations are not eligible to apply for the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination, and must retake and pass the initial Certification Examination to regain their status as a Diplomate.
Any Diplomate whose board certification expires before passing the MOC exam will have only one attempt to pass the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination exam in lieu of the Certification exam. Should the attempt be unsuccessful, the examinee will then have to take the Certification exam to restore Diplomate status.
Examinees who successfully pass the American Board of Pain Medicine MOC® Examination Certification under either provision of this policy will have their certification renewed for ten (10) years from their original expiration date, (i.e. If a Diplomate whose certificate expires 12/31/2024 recertifies in 2025, their certification will be valid through 12/31/2034.)
Is there a list of references available?
The Bulletin of Information has a list of references that can be helpful in preparing for the exam. The list is also available on the website: click here.
If you have any other questions or would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact ABPM at (847) 981-8905 or
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